Can you Recover from Hearing Loss? featured image

Can you Recover from Hearing Loss?

Children laughing. The gentle percussion of a summer rainstorm. A guitar strumming chords at a rock concert. We all have a sound that’s sweet to…


March 25, 2022

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How Long Does it Take to Recover from Adenoid Surgery? featured image

How Long Does it Take to Recover from Adenoid Surgery?

Adenoid surgery, also called adenoidectomy, is a procedure to remove the adenoid glands in the roof of the mouth. Adenoid surgery is most…


March 11, 2022

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Ways to Fix Sleep Apnea featured image

Ways to Fix Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a medical condition that disrupts breathing during sleep. Sleep apnea is responsible for a variety of frustrating symptoms including snoring, daytime fatigue,…


February 23, 2022

Do You Have to Treat Vocal Nodules? featured image

Do You Have to Treat Vocal Nodules?

Have you noticed that your voice is hoarse or raspy? Do you have a lump in your throat feeling? You may have vocal…


February 4, 2022

Sleep Apnea Symptoms featured image

Sleep Apnea Symptoms

Sleep apnea causes people to repeatedly stop breathing in their sleep for brief periods of time. Many people may not know they have sleep apnea…


January 26, 2022

How is an Audiogram Done? featured image

How is an Audiogram Done?

After visiting a doctor to address potential hearing loss, you’re told you need an audiogram. What happens next? What can you expect? How is an…


January 3, 2022

What is an Audiogram? featured image

What is an Audiogram?

Has music lost its range to you? Do you find yourself struggling to hear and participate in conversations? Have quiet sounds seemed to fade…


December 20, 2021

Do All Nasal Polyps Need to be Removed? featured image

Do All Nasal Polyps Need to be Removed?

Nasal polyps are growths in the sinus cavity that are shaped like balloons or grapes. While usually benign, nasal polyps can cause a host…


December 6, 2021

Is Getting Tubes in your ears painful? featured image

Is Getting Tubes in your ears painful?

If you’ve ever had an injury to your ear, you know that ears can be especially sensitive to pain. It’s perfectly natural if hearing “tubes…


November 19, 2021

What are the 3 Types of Sleep Apnea? featured image

What are the 3 Types of Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea is a serious condition in which a person stops breathing in their sleep. This disorder is responsible for a range of symptoms including…


November 10, 2021