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Health Concerns to Consider When Contemplating Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery used to be a taboo subject, discussed in whispers and regarded as a procedure exclusive to the rich and famous. These days, however, cosmetic surgery is a common way to change the physical features of the body for both personal and medical reasons. Perhaps you’ve considered plastic surgery as a way to boost your confidence or improve a feature. Maybe you want to remove an unsightly scar or correct a birth defect. Whatever the reason, plastic surgery is more accessible than ever, and the art (and science) continues to innovate with new techniques and approaches that maximize natural results while minimizing recovery time. Still, plastic surgery is not a decision to be made on a whim; you need to consider the health concerns involved before taking the plunge.

The most obvious risk, like any other surgery, is the use of anesthesia. Complications can arise from anesthesia, so your doctor will go over your health history to identify any factors that put you at increased risk of blood clots, heart or breathing problems or allergic reactions. Your risk factors may impact the type of anesthesia used, the level of supervision you will need during surgery or your ability to safely go under anesthesia without first addressing underlying health issues, such as obesity, diabetes or smoking.

Another common risk of a surgical procedure like plastic surgery is infection at the incision site. To prevent infection, be sure to select a surgeon and facility that is hygienic and you can trust to follow best practices for ensuring tools are clean. Following your surgery, it is important to follow after-care directions exactly as instructed, and seek out medical attention at the first sign of infection. Failing to do so can put you at greater risk of further complications from infection or the need for more surgery to correct an area that doesn’t heal on its own.

While the goal of plastic surgery is to improve the function and appearance of an area of the body, scars are always a risk when incisions are made. When selecting your plastic surgeon, ask for photos of healed surgeries to see if scars are visible. Although every surgery and patient is different, you want to know that your doctor is skilled at closing incisions in a way that minimizes visible scarring.

The last health concern to consider is recovery time. Although the results of plastic surgery can last for a lifetime, the procedure isn’t over when you wake up on the recovery table. Instead, you are likely looking at downtime of at least a few days to a week before you can return to normal activities, followed by healing time that can sometimes take weeks or months. Immediately following surgery expect that you will be sore or in pain for at least a few days.

Ready to consult with a plastic surgeon about your goals and concerns? Call (602) 456-6639 to schedule a personal and private consultation with the skilled and caring plastic surgeons at Biltmore ENT.