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What are the Signs of Cancer of the Throat?

Cancer can manifest just about anywhere in your body. This is because you have millions upon millions of cells throughout your body. In its most basic definition, cancer is when your cells grow uncontrollably and/or damaged cells multiply to form tumors. These tumors can spread to other parts of your body (malignant tumors) or stay localized (benign).

Most people don’t think about getting cancer of the throat, but this is a condition that is estimated to have affected 12,620 people in 2021 alone (as reported for laryngeal cancer or cancer of the voice box). Cancer can actually develop in the voice box as well as the throat (pharyngeal cancer) and abnormal cells can originate in different areas of your throat, voice box or vocal chords.

Just as with other cancers, it’s not always obvious right away that cancer is developing. You might ignore some of these symptoms as those of a common cold or flu. However, if any of the symptoms listed below persist for longer than 2 weeks, it is recommended that you see a doctor. Sometimes your dentist may actually be able to diagnose this condition.

  • Cough
  • Sore throat
  • Lump in your throat/neck
  • Hoarse voice
  • Difficult to swallow
  • Ear pain
  • Weight loss
  • Difficulty breathing

Remember, if any of the above symptoms last longer than 2 weeks, see a doctor. Know your own body and pay attention to changes. If you are concerned that you might have throat cancer in Phoenix, AZ, contact the team at Biltmore ENT, Facial Plastics & Allergy. Early detection is critical and our team of throat cancer specialists in Phoenix can determine if you have a tumor by looking for abnormalities, taking tissue samples and recommending the best course of treatment. We may be able to surgically remove the tumor or it may be necessary to undergo radiation or chemotherapy. It may also be possible to treat the condition with immunotherapy. The right treatment will depend on the type and severity of your throat cancer.

To schedule an appointment with our throat specialists in Phoenix, please call (602) 956-1250 or visit our website at