What are the treatments for common throat problems?
The throat is an important part of both the respiratory and digestive systems, so throat problems can be a major inconvenience in your daily life. Whether it’s discomfort, interference with your speaking ability, trouble swallowing or difficulty breathing properly, there are many treatments available for common throat problems.
For a sore throat…
Sore throats are often caused by viral or bacterial infections. Allergies can be another culprit. Many sore throats can be treated by rest, hydration and over-the-counter pain relievers or cough drops. Bacterial infections may require prescription antibiotics to clear the infection, depending on its severity.
For tonsillitis…
When the tonsils become inflamed and infected, tonsillitis is likely. Tonsillitis is most common in children, but adults can get it too. As with a sore throat, rest, fluids and pain relievers can go a long way in treating symptoms. Gargling warm salt water may help too. If tonsillitis becomes chronic, surgical removal of the tonsils may be recommended.
For laryngitis…
Inflammation of the larynx, usually due to overuse or vocal cord strain, can cause hoarseness or a complete inability to speak. Vocal rest is the best treatment for laryngitis. You should also avoid smoking and focus on staying hydrated. If you use your voice for work, your doctor may prescribe medication to reduce inflammation, allowing you to get back to using your vocal cords faster.
For vocal cord disorders…
Nodules or polyps on the vocal cords can lead to hoarseness or changes in your voice and vocal range. Voice therapy, vocal rest and prescription medications are less-invasive treatment options, but more serious cases may require surgical intervention.
Which treatment is best for you? The answer depends on the cause of your throat problems, your medical history and how much it is interfering with your daily life. An ENT doctor can evaluate your symptoms, perform tests and develop a personalized treatment plan for your specific problem. By addressing throat problems promptly and effectively, you’ll be back to healthy in no time. Call (602) 560-1085 to schedule an appointment with Biltmore ENT today.